Charlestown State Park

Campground Review: Charlestown State Park

A vast amount of my job, until recently, involved travel.  Lots and lots of travel – airplanes, rental cars and hotels…lots and lots of hotels.  My role at work has since changed quite a bit and has me staying home with my only travel occurring when summoned to the mothership.  As said mothership is in Louisville, KY and is within a day’s drive, we now take it as an opportunity to spend a week in the motorhome as I much prefer that to spending a week sleeping in a hotel bed of unknown grosstasticness and having my schedule dictated by the airlines. (more…)

Campground Review: River’s Edge Mountain RV Resort

As a public service, I’ve decided to take it upon myself to review two of the things more near and dear to me at this point in time – Campgrounds and brewpubs (I’ll talk more about the latter in my brewpub review).

Now, bear in mind that we have totally different ideas of what a campground should be than a family of four or a retired couple might have.  We have no children, so a playground doesn’t do us much good and chances are we’re spending our weekdays working.  We also shower and take care of other personal business in the motorhome, so we don’t normally go checking into the shower house or the public restrooms.  Not that there’s anything wrong with either, mind you, but I felt it important to add a disclaimer up front in the event your view of the world differs from mine. (more…)

Camping, WiFi Woes and Google Cast Frustrations

So, this is going to be “Real Post #1” and I’m thinking it’s going to be a doozy.  With that in mind, as we have yet to be formally introduced, methinks a bit of insight into my mind would probably provide some context for what’s about to come.

First off, I’m an IT guy.  Servers and networks are my thing.  Perhaps “Stubborn IT guy” would be a more apt description. (more…)

Move-in Day

Reached a decision on the domain name and got the website up and running.  That’s the easy part.  Now I need to pick a blasted theme that doesn’t look either too plain or too frilly.  This, my friends, is why I don’t do web design.

Stay tuned!