About Me

“So, what’s this place all about, anyway?”

Glad you asked.  Those who know me know that I’ve had multiple “obsessions” over time and it seems like almost a blog per obsession.  First it was vintage arcade games, then wood working, then home brewing.  I finally got tired of buying a new domain every time I got into a new hobby only to have the old domain stagnate.  Thus, The House of Skippy was born out of a consolidation of sorts.

Other than a guy with a short attention span and too many hobbies to keep up with, I’m an IT guy by day and a tinkerer by nature.  While I do still enjoy ruining the occasional nice piece of wood, I’ve given up the arcade game habit (sadly) and taken a sabbatical from home brewing for various reasons.  However, I’ve managed to become interested in sport shooting and reloading along with spending as much time as possible exploring the country in our motorhome.

So, what can you expect?  A little of everything, I suppose.  I’ve always longed for a place to ramble.  As I hop from one shiny thing to another, I’ll be sure to opine on this, that and the other for all to read.  At the time of this writing it’s camping and the occasional brewpub.  Next week it could be table saws and bird houses.  Who knows…enjoy the madness along with me.